Get Your Free Credit Card Reduction Reports
Life is bigger than credit card debt, yet credit card debt can hold you back from living your life to the fullest. If you’re feeling stressed about your credit card debt, please take comfort in knowing that thousands of people reduce and payoff their credit card debts every year WITHOUT bankruptcy, this is your start to become one of them.
- Your debt relief evaluation and report is absolutely free.
- You will get the details you need to make an informed decision.
- You are never obligated to resolve your debts by getting a report.
- You should be prepared and willing to speak with a debt relief professional and provide details about your debt so the most accurate estimates can be created for you.
- These reports are provided by debt relief companies, not Fresh Start America.
- All reports are estimates of potential debt relief outcomes.
- You can use Fresh Start as often as you like to get a free report.
Your Savings Starts Here
Fresh Start America provides information on debt relief programs and acts as a referral service that puts you in touch with companies offering services you are interested in receiving debt savings quotes and consultations from. Fresh Start America is not an end provider of debt relief services nor are we part of any agreement or contract of services you may commit to with a debt relief company. Fresh Start America is not a Local, State or Federal Government agency, department or service. Fresh Start America does not offer any debt relief programs including Government debt relief programs.
The content provided on is a general description of services. Actual benefits, costs and features of services will vary from company to company that may contact you. It is up to you, the consumer, to consult with the debt relief service provider to educate yourself on all the details of their program before making any final decision.
By completing a form on this website you are requesting a service to contact you, in most cases by telephone, regardless of your status on the do not call list (DNC). Forms on this website are for information requests only, mainly for debt relief quotes, they are never an application or pre-qualification for services, all calculations of debt savings are estimates. Fresh Start America evaluates carefully the service providers we put you in touch with, however we do not endorse nor are we responsible for the actions taken or services provided by any particular company that may be found by using the website.
Fresh Start America is not providing legal, financial, investing, credit repair, tax, counseling or any other professional advice. Although we believe the content on this website to be accurate it is general in nature and does not fully describe the complex details of every debt situation you may be in or program you may decide to use. It is recommended that you always contact a licensed professional in the appropriate field for advice before making any final decision.
In no case should you, the visitor, believe that there is any guarantee that you will not have to file bankruptcy now or in the future. *Fresh Start America is not the end provider of debt relief service thus we do not guarantee any debt reduction amount, nor do we estimate fees, this information will be estimated by the debt relief company you consult with and or choose to use.